A downloadable game

Character action game where you can stop time and slice and dice!
(Currently in alpha)


PC/Keyboard and Mouse:

Move - WASD
Camera - Mouse movement
Lock On/Off - Middle Mouse Button, R
Chronostasis - F (when gauge is full)
Jump - Space
Attack - Left Click
Dodge/Block - Right Click, Left Shift
Interact - E

Gamepad (Xbox support only atm):

Move - Left Stick
Camera - Right stick
Lock On/Off - Right Bumper
Chronostasis - Left Bumper
Jump - B
Attack - A
Dodge/Block - X, Right Trigger
Interact - Y


Director: Gabriel Salomone

Producer: Christine Vo

Game Design: Gabriel Salomone

Enemy Design: Daniel Martinez Murillo, Gabriel Salomone

Programming: Gabriel Salomone, Victoria Pruitt, Daniel Martinez Murillo

Character Art: Sean Sepdham, Phu Le, Lucas Verstraete, Moth (Blood Crisis Dev)

Animation: Xi Yee Tan, Keala Chesnut, Gabriel Salomone

Environment Art: Shivang Patel, Chengheng Liang

VFX: Daniel Martinez Murillo, Phu Le, Victoria Pruitt

Concept Art: Xi Yee Tan, Connor Le, Annie Wu

UI: Christine Vo

Music: Morgan Casseron (L'AnonymeDev)

Sound Design: Mateo Carlson

Special Thanks: Blake Higby, Tim Lewis, Luka Hyman, Marco Torres, Tyler Connor, Brennan Black, Vy Lam, Kira Gray


Chronostasis Alpha v2 769 MB
Chronostasis Alpha v1 (Original Release) 654 MB

Install instructions

Version 1 is the initial build that was uploaded and completed. Is pretty messy, and is mostly only uploaded for archiving purposes, if you want to see what the game was initially shipped as in all it's 1.0 glory.

Version 2 is the newest, most up to date version, and fixes many issues from the 1st build. This is the preferred version to play if you're just looking for a fun game.

Development log

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